오클라호마 유학(Study in US, life in US)

The Blundersome Guide: What to Absolutely Avoid Doing in the Land of the Free (If You're Smart) 본문

about USA(TRavel, Law, etc)

The Blundersome Guide: What to Absolutely Avoid Doing in the Land of the Free (If You're Smart)

오클 소피아 하미(OKlahoma Michelle) 2024. 1. 11. 02:16


So, you've got your eyes set on the land of jaw-dropping vistas, mix-and-match cultures, and more "wow" moments than you can count. But before you embark on your American escapade, buckle up for some not-so-traditional advice. Trust me, it's not your everyday travel guide—it's more like a survival manual for comedic relief.

1. Invasion of Personal Space:

Americans treasure their space almost as much as their baseball and apple pie. Steer clear of invading personal bubbles—no close encounters in lines, public transport, or even during friendly hellos. Keep it cool, maintain that arm's length, and let your charm do the talking from there.

2. The Tipping Tango:

Tipping's the name of the game in the US hospitality rodeo. Restaurants, bars, taxis—heck, even the housekeeping crew—live off tips. Aim for 15-20% for a round of good service. Feeling like you're in math class again? Just ask the pros—the servers or hotel wizards will guide you through the tipping maze.

3. Metric Mayhem:

Hold onto your hats, because America's dancing to its own beat. Forget kilometers, grams, and Celsius. It's miles, ounces, and Fahrenheit here. Embrace the challenge; think of it as a mental workout with a side of confusion.

4. United in Diversity:

The USA's beauty lies in its hodgepodge of diversity. Each place has its own jive—different culture, slang, and cuisine. So, ditch the "all Americans love X" idea. Embrace the quirks and flavors from coast to coast.

5. Political Hot Potato:

Politics here? As hot as a jalapeño eating contest. Sure, Americans love opinions, but save the heated debates for another day. Stick to shared experiences and leave the political fireworks for the news channels.

6. Law & Order... Literally:

Laws are like a patchwork quilt—varying from state to state and city to city. Make Google your BFF; get clued up on local rules. Trust me, it's a Google search away from dodging an awkward run-in with the law.

7. Distance Dilemma:

The USA isn't just big—it's colossal. Don't go on cross-country road trips unless you've got enough time and energy to rival a superhero. Research, plan, and avoid feeling like a time-crunched zombie.

8. Skipping Public Restrooms :

Public restrooms? Plentiful and clean in the US. Don't let any weird toilet phobias hold you back. Remember, staying hydrated beats any restroom inconvenience, hands down.

9. Assuming Everyone Owns a Car :

Cars aren't the be-all and end-all here. Public transport, rideshares, and even biking—it's all in the mix. Dive into local transportation options and get your adventure wheels turning.

10. Smile, You're on Candid Camera:

Got a grin as wide as the Grand Canyon? Perfect! Americans love a friendly face. Break the ice with a smile—it's your golden ticket to making friends. Courtesy and kindness? Always a winning combo!

By avoiding these cultural faux pas, you can ensure a smoother and more enjoyable American adventure. Embrace the differences, celebrate the diversity, and be the perfect ambassador of your own culture. Remember, travel is about learning and growing, so open your mind, your heart, and your appetite for discovery!

Bonus Tip: Learning a few basic phrases in American English can be incredibly helpful. "Please," "Thank you," and a simple "Excuse me" can go a long way in navigating everyday situations.

